The Shire Office will be closed on Friday 31st January, 2025 as staff will be in attendance at the funeral of Shire of Meekatharra, CEO Dr Kelvin Matthews.
View the closure dates for the Shire Administration Office, Shire Depot and Youth Services
Resignation of Kelvin Matthews, CEO
Do you know an individual, group, business, or organisation that has made an impact and done great things in our community during 2024? If yes, nominate them now!
The Shire of Meekatharra regrets to advise the closure of all youth services until further notice.
New opening hours effective from Thursday 24 October, 2024.
As the Shire’s of Wiluna and Meekatharra continue to plea on behalf of their communities for the remaining unsealed section of the Goldfields Highway to be completely sealed, the State Government announced in December 2023 a forecast $3.7billion operating surplus for the 2023/24 year!
Supporting the Shire of Meekatharra, Chronicle is bringing digital enhancements to the historic Meekatharra Cemetery. This collaboration focuses on introducing modern digital solutions to preserve the cemetery's rich history and make it more accessible and interactive for the community.
The Shire's draft Strategic Community Plan is open for comment by the public.
New standards have been introduced nationally by Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) to improve food safety and prevent foodborne illness in the community.
The Shire of Meekatharra is pleased to announce the successful completion of the Pool Upgrade Project.
A plea to our State and Federal politicians from the communities of Meekatharra and Wiluna, the mining and transport industries and the tourism sector has been ignored.
The Shire of Meekatharra has joined forces with Storytowns Audio Guides to create an innovative way for visitors to explore the region. Through the Storytowns app, travellers can take a leisurely drive and uncover intriguing sites and stories, guided by geo-located podcasts that play automatically as they near each location.
The Shire Presidents of Meekatharra and Wiluna continue to lobby the WA State Government to support the complete sealing of the remaining 124km of unsealed road between Wiluna and Meekatharra.
The Meeka Community Awards were a massive hit! Despite the rain (yes, there was rain) there was a big turn out with over 60 people attending. There was such a positive and supportive atmosphere during the awards and the rain was very refreshing! Once the awards ceremony was done morning tea was provided by Mama Moon’s Bakery and everyone was invited for a sausage sizzle to the pool. The Shire provided free entry for the day to the pool for everyone. Yulella and Mission Australia had lollies and dessert for everyone too!
The Project Working Group (PWG) for the Murchison GeoRegion are seeking Expressions of Interest/Applications for a placement opportunity tot he position of Project Officer.
Local agencies and groups are getting together to put on Meeka Community Awards. These awards are to celebrate the good things being done in the community and to acknowledge those who support this town. We have a lot of talented, helpful and inspirational people in town who deserve to be recognised.
The Shire is planning to upgrade the Median Strip in Main Street and is inviting artists for collaboration on this project.
Congratulations to the Meekatharra Shire Youth Services Team who took out two awards at the Community Achievement Awards Gala.
Yugunga-Nya Traditional Owners are invited to attend the briefing session to learn more about the Project, ask questions, and raise concerns.
We’re not after a dust up over this issue with the State Government, we just want less dust for the safety of road users on the Goldfields Highway” Shire Presidents Cr Harvey Nichols of Meekatharra and Cr Peter Grundy of Wiluna have stated.
Yugunga-Nya Native Title Aboriginal Corporation Community Consultation Meeting 16th September 2022, 9am Meekatharra Town Hall
Bin Stickers are a great way to spread a positive message about using the bins and brighten up the streets. We are giving everyone in Meekatharra the opportunity to design a sticker to potentially be displayed around town. All the designs are due in by the 24th of June 2022, once all the designs are in we will hold a vote to chose which stickers will be printed. Please contact Amy at the Shire for more information, 9980 0600 or visit
Coronavirus Disease Midwest Medical and Other Support Phone List
The Shire of Meekatharra are advertising for sale a number of items of Plant and Machinery. Please see the advertisement for further details.
Due to a third party provider outage the Shire Office currently doesn't have internet or telephone services. To contact us during this outage please ring 0417 989 076 or attend the Shire Office. This also affects various other locations in town. We apologise for the inconvenience.