Opportunity to Submit Budget Requests

Published on Wednesday, 6 April 2022 at 4:55:33 PM

Budget Requests from Ratepayers, Residents, Community and Sporting Groups


Council is currently preparing its budget for 2022/23 and as part of that process invites residents, ratepayers, community and sporting groups to submit suggestions or requests for projects they would like to see included in the budget.
Council, when considering budget items will include items from the Strategic Community Plan and other adopted plans. Any requests or suggestions received may be referred to these planning processes.
All submissions should be submitted by way of a formal letter outlining all relevant details, including, if possible, quotes or estimates relating to the proposal.
Submissions should be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer and;
Posted to:
Chief Executive Officer
Shire of Meekatharra
PO Box 129
Meekatharra WA 6642; or
Delivered to:
Chief Executive Officer
Meekatharra Shire Administration Office
75 Main Street
Meekatharra; or 
by Fax: 9981 1505; or
Submissions will be received until 4:30pm on Friday, 22nd April 2022.