Strategic Community Plan Feedback

The Shire of Meekatharra is committed to engaging with its community and considering their input when making decisions about the future.

The Strategic Community Plan is undergoing a minor review as required every 2 years in between major reviews.

The draft plan can be read here.

The feedback form is anonymous, however a summary of the responses will be presented to Council and made publicly available at the December 2023 Ordinary Council Meeting.

What is your overall impression of the strategic direction?
Do you have any specific comments on the overall strategic direction?
What is your overall impression of the Social objectives and priorities?
Do you have any specific comments on the Social objectives and priorities?
What is your overall impression of the Natural Environment objectives and priorities?
Do you have any specific comments on the Natural Environment objectives and priorities?
What is your overall impression of the Built Environment objectives and priorities?
Do you have any specific comments on the Built Environment objectives and priorities?
What is your overall impression of the Economic Development objectives and priorities?
Do you have any specific comments on the Economic Development objectives and priorities?
What is your overall impression of the Governance objectives and priorities?
Do you have any specific comments on the Governance objectives and priorities?
Do you have any other comments?