Meekatharra Community Resource and Visitor Centre
The Meekatharra Community Resource and Visitor Centre is the main hub for all tourists and those wanting to explore the region.
Located in the Shire Offices on Main Street, the museum is home to hundreds of photographs dating back to the beginning of the town and memorabilia of life in Meekatharra throughout history.
Peace Gorge
Peace Gorge is located 3km out of town on the Landor-Meekatharra Road. This ideal picnic and self-contained camping spot is famous for its formations of granite rocks
Mt Yagahong
Mount Yagahong, 40km South-East along the Meekatharra-Sandstone Road, rises 150 metres above the surrounding landscape. The soil and elevation of Mount Yagahong provide healthy habitat for over 70 kinds of native plants, including bush tucker like the Wild Pear or Cogla.
Barlangi Rock
Barlangi Rock is located 75km down the Meekatharra-Sandstone Road and is centred in one of Australia’s 27 confirmed meteorite craters. This rock was formed over 2.23 billion years ago but since then the crater has filled up with soil, only seen by those who know what to look for.
Gold Mining and Prospecting
Meekatharra's surroundings reverberate with the district's rich gold mining history. Mining pits, both abandoned and operational, present an interesting and stunning setting.
Wildflowers and Wildlife 
The red dirt of Meekatharra comes alive with a stunning display of colourful wildflowers when the winter rains arrive. For anyone interested in flora and fauna, this is a must-see.
Mt Gould Police Station
This historic police station, which operated from 1888 to 1902 to take swift action against sheep killing in the area, is located 156 kilometres west of Meekatharra on the Landor-Meekatharra Road.
Bilyuin Pool
This popular camping spot is simply peaceful and a great overnight spot. Bilyuin Pool is accessible from the Ashburton Downs Road, 85km north of Meekatharra and has no facilities.
Peak Hill
This abandoned gold mining town has the remains of what was a busy town of around 190 people in 1898.
Murchison GeoRegion
Meekatharra is part of the Murchison GeoRegion which celebrates the unique and ancient landscape of this region. This self-drive trail visits 21 sites in seven Shires within the Murchison. For more information visit